Manchester Transforming Local Infrastructure (TLI) Programme 2012-2013

TLI was funded by the Office of Civil Society and administered nationally by Big Fund (the non-lottery funding arm of the Big Lottery Fund).

Macc managed the TLI programme on behalf of a partnership of 13 voluntary and community support organisations operating in Manchester. The programme focused on providing better support for VCS groups by transforming existing local support services. Initial consultation with local VCS groups provided an understanding of their needs and informed the planning, design and delivery of the subsequent service provision. As a result of the programme VCS groups had access to a clearer, joined up service, tailored to their needs.

£288,000 was invested as grants for the development and delivery of over 26 different services/resources/tools.

TLI partner organisations
Looking beyond TLI Report - Sept 2013
TLI Final Report - Oct 2013
Manchester Community Reporters Case study